African Fixer

Algeria Flag


Filming in Algeria

Algeria, a North African treasure, is an emerging hub for filmmakers seeking diverse landscapes and vibrant cultural settings. With the help of our Algerian film fixer, your film production in Algeria will be an experience to remember!


Why Film in Algeria?

Algeria offers an array of locations, from the Mediterranean coast to the Sahara Desert, all with unique appeal. The country’s cinematic potential is on the rise, thanks to its diverse settings and vibrant culture.

Top Algerian Filming Locations

Algeria boasts a variety of stunning locations, from bustling urban centers to remote desert landscapes. Whether you’re looking for historic architecture, dramatic natural backdrops, or vibrant cultural settings, Algeria offers a wealth of visually striking options for filmmakers.

Visa Requirements

It is highly recommended that visas are applied for and approved before beginning the film permit application process. Visa applications can take longer than a month, so it’s essential to apply early to avoid delays in travel plans.

International Crew Accreditation

Accreditation is mandatory for all international crew members working on a production in Algeria.

General Film Permit in Algeria

Obtaining a film permit in Algeria is essential for any production. The process involves securing temporary press accreditation from the Algerian Consulate, with additional approval from the Ministry of Culture in some cases. While general permits are usually free of charge, filming in heritage sites or restricted locations may require additional fees and permissions. Planning ahead is crucial, as the permit process typically takes 4-8 weeks.

Drone Permit

Drones are strictly forbidden, with limited exceptions. Drone services may be permitted under certain conditions and in specific locations, but this requires a detailed full shot list. Even with this documentation, drone services cannot be guaranteed.

Equipment Customs Clearance

Algeria is a carnet country, requiring a Carnet ATA for the temporary importation of equipment.

Safety and Security

Algeria is generally considered a safe country, with low crime rates in urban areas. Security measures are typically not necessary in cities or urban locations. However, it is mandatory to have a local fixer on set at all times to ensure compliance with local regulations and facilitate smooth operations. Additionally, the state provides a local escort at no cost to productions, which can be beneficial for added security and support.

  • Type of Security Required

    For filming in remote or high-risk areas, such as mountainous or desert regions, general security measures are highly recommended to ensure the safety of cast and crew. This may include hiring experienced security personnel or taking additional precautions to mitigate potential risks.

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